Author: JC40

What to drink?

Is soda a part of your daily habit? If so, you should know that the price ticket for drinking soda is higher than you probably realize.  Sugary soda adds extra, empty calories to your diet and has a caustic effect on your teeth – even diet soda is dangerous to your body’s system.
Soda, whether diet or not, is highly acidic, and has the power to wreak havoc on the delicate alkaline/acid balance your body works so hard to protect.  Symptoms of acidosis can include loss of bone calcium, tooth decay, along with stomach and intestinal weaknesses. Over time, an highly acidic diet has proved to be a major player in the so called “aging diseases.”

If soda’s got you hooked and you can’t see yourself giving it up entirely, consider reducing the amount you drink to one cup per day, gradually shifting your liquid choice to alkaline, ionized water. Even if you choose to continue drinking soda, you can drink alkaline water right after drinking soda to help re-hydrate yourself and neutralize the acidity of the soda. You’ll probably find that you feel better, and you may even experience less heartburn.  You may also find that your craving for sugar drops off and your craving for healthy, restoring alkaline water increases. If you are new to the concept of alkaline water or ionized water, here is how it works…

Tap water contains many ions; some ions are desirable (like calcium, which is good for teeth and bones) and some ions are less desirable, like chlorine (too many chlorine ions water will make it smell and taste bad). Water ionizers, through electrolysis, remove bad ions from water while concentrating its essential alkalizing minerals, creating a strong, alkaline water without adding a thing to it! Ionization also creates a strong, negative charge in the water making it easier for your body to absorb all its healthy goodness.  Alkaline, ionized water tastes great, is healthy, and eliminates the need to purchase bottled water.

You should try alkaline, ionized water!  Who knows? You might discover that you like the taste of water and ditch your soda for good!

IonWays Flow: Vol. 1, Issue 35

December 2010
Vol 1. Issue 35

Leader's Spotlight
Bob DaltonRecently promoted to Manager, Bob Dalton is nothing less than passionate about IonWays! First introduced to the company in 2008, Bob joined IonWays with the intent of receiving a commission from his ionizer purchase. Soon after, Bob began to see his IonWays business growing-simply by sharing the water with others! Bob began to get excited not only by what the water was doing for him, but also by what it was doing for the people with whom he was sharing it!

No matter what, Bob has never lost enthusiasm for IonWays and refuses to accept limitation in his IonWays business. “If you embrace limitation, it’s yours. If you embrace abundance, it’s yours as well.” Bob’s advice to anyone who is sincerely looking to take a step up in his or her business is:

  • Always be positive!
  • Maintain a total commitment to the IonWays water and its other products.
  • If you can, get involved full time!
  • Share the water and be prepared to do presentations; “Help others experience the magic of the water!”
  • “Keep after it!” Bob adds, “Follow up with a degree of intensity that doesn’t chase people away.”
  • Be an example of enthusiasm and commitment to your down line.

Bob is a part of IonWays because, “I feel like I’m associated with a good group of people. I wake up every day with excitement – I’m making a difference.”

Wellness Corner
Dr_SengstockWhen chiropractor, Dr. Bernhard Sengstock, heard about IonWays alkaline, ionized water, he was at first quite skeptical. But when one of his patients explained the remarkable, often miraculous benefits of alkaline ionized water, Dr. Sengstock decided to give it a try. Before he started passing out the water to his patients, he thought it practical to make himself a case-study for IonWays water.

Every year, Dr. Sengstock challenges his stamina with a 3½ mile, soft-sand run. With every passing year, his run along the Atlantic Coast of Long Island proved more and more difficult. Joint pain and lack of energy hindered his ability to complete the goal he had set for himself year-after-previous-year. In an effort to test the water’s ability to improve his results on the sand, Dr. Sengstock began drinking a half-gallon of IonWays water every day for two weeks. It was only after he finished his annual run with no joint pain and energy to spare that he became an enthusiastic advocate of IonWays water!

Dr. Sengstock knows that water is essential to the human body and its many complex systems – water is the single most important element for its health, playing a major role in the detoxification process and the reduction of free radicals; which are movie stars in the process of degeneration. Along with drinking IonWays alkaline, ionized water, Dr. Sengstock believes in creating health – not chasing it.

He believes in proper exercise, diet, and keeping the body aligned through regular chiropractic care. Mental and spiritual health, stress reduction, and a positive outlook on life, are essential. A nutrient-rich diet, the avoidance of toxic environments, and drinking IonWays water will make a body healthy, happy, and productive!

Dr. Sengstock is the owner of a multi-specialty, natural healing center on Long Island, NY. He is a member of the New York State Chiropractic Association, the American Chiropractic Association, and the International Chiropractic Association. Dr. Sengstock encourages his patients to drink IonWays water and has seen a tremendous amount of positive feedback, including significant weight-loss, increased energy, and one patient who used the acidic water to help heal a diabetic foot ulcer.

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Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.

-Robert F. Kennedy


IonWays Sales Team Members: IonWays will be generating our 2010 1099s in early 2011. Please be sure that the mailing address in your back office is up-to-date!

IonWays Wholesale Distributors:
Confused about the different Pricing Levels and how you can qualify for and maintain each level? We’ve put together something that we think will help: click here.

Did you miss Thursday night’s FAQ call with IonWays President Jay Hare and Executive Randy Hood? You can listen to it here!

Need help understanding the different programs? Follow the links below:

Wholesale Program
Sales Team Program


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As a Wholesale Distributor, can I earn BV points?
No, you cannot earn BV points as a Wholesale Distributor. However, if you are a Sales Team Member that sponsors a Wholesale Distributor, you can earn BV points from their sales.

What is the difference between the Spartan and the Naia?
Check back next week to see the answer!

In our last issue of Tech Talk, we discussed pH measurement. This week’s article is a follow-up with information about how to test pH and store reagent drops.

First of all, there are several different methods of testing a solution’s pH – a digital meter, litmus paper, or reagent drops can be used to find the pH value of acidic or alkaline water. Each one of these methods works in a different way and each one is attached with different capabilities and precautions.

Meters, by far, are the most accurate method of reading pH, but need constant calibration – a huge drawback. Some meters are easy to calibrate, while others can be very difficult. And, because our ionizers produce such a broad spectrum of pH, multi-point calibration is necessary. This involves expensive solutions which, in turn, require proper storage to avoid going bad. pH meters involve a lot of work along with a lot knowledge about how to store and condition them and how to tell when they need calibration. Although very accurate when used properly, pH meters are not user-friendly and not our best choice for measuring pH.

Litmus paper strips are another method of pH testing. They’re easy to use, but have a very narrow spectrum and expire quickly once opened. This method of measuring pH is simply not broad enough to measure the varying levels of pH in IonWays alkaline or acidic water. IonWays does not recommend that you use these.
Reagent drops are the tried and true method for measuring pH and are preferred by IonWays and its associates. They’re simple to use with great, visual results that are easily understood. IonWays has tried every method of pH testing available and has concluded that reagent drops are the way to go.

Reagent drops work simply by changing color due to reaction with alkalinity or acidity. The main ingredient in reagent drops is ethylene glycol, a highly reactive solution that catalyzes with any shift in pH and causes the dyes in reagent drops to shift color accordingly. By simply comparing these colors to a pH chart, we can easily obtain a close approximation of a clear liquid’s pH value.

Please bear in mind that reagent is not foolproof. Because it’s so reactive, it needs to be isolated from cold and heat, bright light (especially sunlight), and exposure to air. If exposed to temperatures above 85°F or below 36°F, your reagent drops will no longer render an accurate pH reading and are pretty much useless. Leaving your reagent drops on the kitchen window sill or in any other brightly lit area is not a good idea and will make your drops unstable and unreliable.

In short, test your water often but keep your reagent drops at room temperature with the lights out and the cap on!

conference_callsConference Calls
Join us for another exciting installment of the IonWays Merger Q & A calls this Thursday at 7 PM PDT/10 PM EDT Dial-in early and be sure to introduce yourself!

Dial-In: (512) 879-2178
PIN: 990107#

Join IonWays Executives, Kai Jacobson, Randy Hood and Valerie Guthrie this Saturday at 10 AM PDT/1 PM EDT for an exciting training call! Join us to learn the basics about how to build your IonWays business!
Dial-In: (512) 879-2178
PIN: 990107#

© 2010 IonWays, LLC – All Rights Reserved.

Information presented here is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and as such shall not be construed as medical advice implied or otherwise. No claims are made with respect to treatment of any physically diseased condition and no attempt is ever made to dissuade individuals from seeking medical treatment for any condition. In addition, this equipment, technology and products have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor are they intended to treat, cure, mitigate, diagnose or prevent any illness or disease.


IonWays Flow: Vol. 1, Issue 31

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October 2010
Vol 1. Issue 31

Attention IonWays Wholesalers!

The 1st Generation of is now up and running!
Please go here to place your wholesale orders.

Leader's Spotlight
TamaraIonWays Manager, Tamara Lehualani, became involved with IonWays purely by accident. While sourcing merchandise for her retail store, Global HeArt, she met someone who introduced her to Ionways Executive, Karen Kean. “It’s a day that completely changed the trajectory of my life. Karen introduced me to our amazing water. She explained all the benefits of drinking it. I wasn’t one of these people that got it immediately-I had to drink it for awhile and process.” After about six months of drinking IonWays water, Tamara was astounded at the tremendous benefits she’d experienced and was sold.

After becoming involved with IonWays, Tamara realized that she had an extraordinary opportunity to grow her business through her retail store, Global HeArt. “With the economy taking a drastic downturn, my retail business was struggling. I didn’t know if I could continue on. I asked myself two questions: 1) What is it that I’m to do? 2) How can I continue to help people?” “Do the water,” was the answer that kept coming to Tamara’s mind for about two weeks. “Finally I thought, ‘What’s the worst that can happen?’ I’ll end up with a water ionizer. I can live with that.” Tamara read everything she could about IonWays water, “The more I studied the more I realized how amazing this water is and the amazing opportunity that it offered. I decided to dedicate a portion of my store to my water business. I created a store within a store-Global HeArt featuring The Love & Gratitude Water Oasis. I installed an Athena ionizer, set up a water pH display bar, and bought an ORP meter (the necessary tools for the trade). I started to share the water with people. It’s easy if you truly believe in what you are doing. I have Health newspapers available for point-of-sale marketing material. I started a NO MORE PLASTIC BOTTLES CAMPAIGN and became a big advocate of educating people about the use of plastic, especially plastic water bottles. I even rented a theatre and held a screening of the movie Tapped.”

Tamara donated 100% of the proceeds from the sale of each gallon of water to Healing Bridges, helping to fund and build a water-well for the first girls’ high school in the history of Sudan!

As an IonWays Manager, Tamara believes that the people, the leadership, and her sponsor, Karen Kean, have truly helped her to grow her business. “Karen is completely dedicated to helping and assisting her down-line grow their businesses…”

Tamara loves IonWays, “Because of the cutting edge product line-up. To confidently offer the best water ionizer available on the market that can make a huge difference in the lives of friends and family – that’s what excites me!”

Wellness Corner
Is soda a part of your daily habit? If so, you should know that the price ticket for drinking soda is higher than you probably realize. Sugary soda adds extra, empty calories to your diet and has a caustic effect on your teeth – even diet soda is dangerous to your body’s system.
Soda, whether diet or not, is highly acidic, and has the power to wreak havoc on the delicate alkaline/acid balance your body works so hard to protect. Symptoms of acidosis can include loss of bone calcium, tooth decay, along with stomach and intestinal weaknesses. Over time, an highly acidic diet has proved to be a major player in the so called “aging diseases.”

If soda’s got you hooked and you can’t see yourself giving it up entirely, consider reducing the amount you drink to one cup per day, gradually shifting your liquid choice to alkaline, ionized water. Even if you choose to continue drinking soda, you can drink alkaline water right after drinking soda to help re-hydrate yourself and neutralize the acidity of the soda. You’ll probably find that you feel better, and you may even experience less heartburn. If you are new to the concept of alkaline water or ionized water, here is how it works…

Tap water contains many ions; some ions are desirable (like calcium, which is good for teeth and bones) and some ions are less desirable, like chlorine (too many chlorine ions water will make it smell and taste bad). Water ionizers, through electrolysis, remove bad ions from water while concentrating its essential alkalizing minerals, creating a strong, alkaline water without adding a thing to it! Ionization also creates a strong, negative charge in the water making it easier for your body to absorb all its healthy goodness. Alkaline, ionized water tastes great, is healthy, and eliminates the need to purchase bottled water.

You should try alkaline, ionized water! Who knows? You might discover that you like the taste of water and ditch your soda for good!

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  • Any and all compliance issues that need to be reported to IonWays Corporate Office, please send to
  • Need to send us a fax? Please use (775) 201-1188.
  • Did you miss the Merger Update call with Jay Hare? Click here to listen!

Thank you!


“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more”
-Anthony Robbins


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What’s the best way to contact IonWays?
The best way to contact IonWays is through the Contact Admin tool in your back office (this way, you have a record of your request). If the request is urgent or if you need immediate assistance, you can call into Customer Support at (775) 324-2400/ Option 3.

How can I sign up a personally sponsored Sales Team Member?

*Answers to all IonWays Weekly Trivia questions can be found in your back office.

Occasionally, our Technical Support Department is asked to address the problem of no power to an ionizer. Most of the time, technical issues like this one can be solved right over the phone or through a quick troubleshooting process, as outlined below.

First, make sure that the power switch on the back of the machine is in the ON position. After you’ve verified this, check that the outlet into which the machine is plugged is in proper working order. You can test this by plugging another electric device into the same outlet or by plugging your ionizer in a different outlet. We recommend that you also double check the GFI button (if there is one) on the outlet, and also be sure that the circuit breaker serving your ionizer is not tripped! If you’re using an extension cord with your ionizer, please make sure that you’re using a ground plug cord.

If your machine is installed undersink, double check that the outlet into which it’s plugged is not controlled by an ON/OFF switch – if it is, ensure that the switch controlling the outlet is in the ON position.

Sometimes, an ionizer has a burned out fuse. If this is the case with your machine, you can replace it with the replacement fuse that was sent along with your ionizer. Instructions for replacing a fuse can be found in your owner’s manual.

Last, make sure that there’s water running to the machine. The machine needs water flow in order to stay on, so please make sure that there’s good water pressure running through the machine.

If you continue to have difficulty getting your ionizer to power on, please contact our Technical Services Department.

conference_callsConference Calls
Join us for a 2nd Merger Q & A Session this Thursday at 7 PM PDT/10 PM EDT Dial-in early and be sure to introduce yourself!

Dial-In: (512) 879-2178
PIN: 990107#

Johnny Bolton’s non-company specific Coffee & Cashflow Conference Call happens every Saturday at 7 AM PDT/10 AM EDT.

Dial-In: (712) 432-3100
PIN: 999321

Join us this Saturday at 10 AM PDT/1 PM EDT for an exciting training call! Join us to learn the basics about how to build your IonWays business!

Dial-In: (512) 879-2178
PIN: 990107#

© 2010 IonWays, LLC – All Rights Reserved.

Information presented here is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and as such shall not be construed as medical advice implied or otherwise. No claims are made with respect to treatment of any physically diseased condition and no attempt is ever made to dissuade individuals from seeking medical treatment for any condition. In addition, this equipment, technology and products have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor are they intended to treat, cure, mitigate, diagnose or prevent any illness or disease.


IonWays Flow: Vol. 1, Issue 19

August 2010
Vol 1. Issue 19

Dear IonWays Associate,

Already the year 2010 is over halfway through. When I look back on all that’s transpired this year, my heart is filled with much gratitude. Just in the past month, IonWays has released the Venus ionizer, added a new financing program, and announced the upcoming merge of IonWays and IonLife-through which all of you have been tremendously supportive and enthusiastic. Thank you!

I’m sure that you’re aware of IonWays’ efforts to help Healing Bridges build a water system for the First High School for Girls in a refugee camp in Eastern Sudan. Through matching funds, we have been able to raise an excess of $11,000! Personally, I feel very privileged to say that IonWays has played a part in this effort. To each of you who donated, thank you for your benevolent support of Healing Bridges and the people who will ultimately benefit from the fresh water you’ve helped to provide. A very special thank-you goes to Tamara Lehualani who donated 100% of the proceeds from the sale of each gallon of water through her business, Global Heart. IonWays was pleased to match all your contributions.

The motto at IonWays is, “Our water changes everything!” and we’re passionate about giving back through charitable causes such as Healing Bridges. Because of this passion, we’re looking to revamp our charitable giving program during the process of the merge. As we develop this new direction, we’ll be discontinuing our current Healing Bridges program. Please feel free to donate directly to them through Be on the lookout for future IonWays Flow issues that will contain new information about our future causes.

In Gratitude,
Jay Hare
IonWays President

Leader's Spotlight
Neal_ChantaraNeal and Shosanah first joined IonWays in 2007 and quickly rose to Executive level in 6 short months. Shosanah has been involved with holistic health for twenty-five years and is always on the cutting edge of medicine and research and tests many products. When some friends introduced her to IonWays, she felt aligned with the company and the water.

Before purchasing an Athena, Neal had an reverse osmosis system installed in his home. “I figured water was water and an Athena was another far-out, expensive thing. However, the difference in my family’s health after we began drinking alkaline, ionized water convinced me otherwise.”

How are Neal and Shosanah growing their IonWays business? “Show up with the water to help people. One way to get free exposure and appreciation is to offer to supply ionized water to help organizations you care about. Have bottle-free events. Instead of bottled water at the concession stand, sell cups of alkaline, ionized, or purified water. We give away or sell cups of water with all proceeds going to the organization. They make more money, they get you as a volunteer, you get exposure, and the environment doesn’t burn as much oil or end up with an overload of plastic. It’s a win-win-win situation!”

Neal also recommends giving away or selling the water for a few weeks so that your customers or prospects have the chance to see what it does for them. “In the first 13 months with our Athena, we went through 10,000 gallons of water and our machine still produced the same pH and great, negative ORP as it did when it was brand new!”

Neal is excited about the upcoming merge between IonWays and IonLife. “Together we will accomplish so much more.”

Wellness Corner
Steve Marmor has been a health practitioner for twenty-two years and for seventeen years has owned a natural health center. He’s a nutritional consultant and herbologist with a background in biology and nutrition. Steve told the Flow, “More disease conditions exist in an acidic environment. There’s never been a time in our country’s history when the citizenry has expressed more degenerative diseases from acidic elements such as: uric acid (from meats and other foods), phosphoric acid (from sodas, energy drinks, etc), lactic acid (from exercising), and acid produced from stress.” Steve recommends IonWays water to everybody he sees; he believes that the water helps flush toxic impurities from the body and will help buffer and neutralize acidity.

Steve’s recommendations for maintaining an optimal level of health is to get plenty of rest, exercise, and to establish proper eating habits. He adds, “Minimize stress and incorporate good water into your life!”

Steve loves IonWays water, “The water ionizer is the best invention for mankind in the last forty years.” With everything that Steve offers at his natural health center, for the past two years, the IonWays Athena has shown to be the most popular item by far.

Tech Talk
With every major investment we make, it can be expected that maintenance work may be necessary at some point during the lifetime of that investment. When buying a new car, we can be sure that at some point the starter or alternator may need replacing. AthenaWith the purchase of a new home, it’s only reasonable to consider that a new roof will eventually be needed. An ionizer is no different. Over time, and with regular use, parts wear out and need replacing. At IonWays, we pride ourselves in the quality of our products. We have the lowest return rates, lowest failure rates, and the fastest turnaround time on warranty work in the ionizer industry! We understand, however, that people can have a problem from time-to-time with one of our ionizers; which is why IonWays has the best, most comprehensive warranty of any ionizer company! Included with our unbeatable warranty is a fully trained technical staff ready and waiting to back it up. When customers and associates have questions or concerns, we encourage them to use the help of our staff to find a quick and full solution-it’s our job to meet your needs!

In the unfortunate event that a customer needs service on his ionizer, we are here to help. Here’s how the process usually works:
The customer should contact the IonWays technical staff at 775-324-2400, Option 2. Contact can also be made via email to Oftentimes, issues can be resolved over the phone. If not, it becomes necessary to start the RMA (return merchandise authorization) process. RMA’s are very important. Without an RMA, deliveries to IonWays will not be accepted. Once initiated, the RMA will include two emails to the customer: one from us (which includes packing instructions along with process information) and one from UPS, which includes a prepaid label on all warranty work. Prepaid labels will not be sent for returns or non-warranty issues. The customer will be notified via e-mail when the unit arrives at our repair center. This is important as we maintain a 24-hour turnaround time on all repairs; the e-mail allows the customer to estimate when he’ll have his machine back. Once the repairs are complete, the unit goes through a vigorous quality control process, ensuring that all issues have been addressed and corrected. Once the unit is in perfect operating condition, a manager or supervisor double-checks and signs-off on all functions. The unit is then cleaned and made ready for shipping. After closing out the RMA and packing the unit for shipping, the customer receives another email containing tracking information, enabling the customer to monitor its location during travel. Included in the box will be the technician’s repair notes and suggestions for prevention of future issues, if applicable. Included with these notes are the repairs made and the results of the testing processes. There will be two sign-off signatures-double assurance that the machine is working as it should!

Unfortunately, water ionizers can malfunction and require repair. IonWays will do its very best to fix the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. That’s our promise to you!


Join Johnny Bolton tonight, August 16th, for a special Finance Training Call! Owning your very own Athena is now easier than ever! Join us tonight at 6 PM PDT/9 PM EDT to learn how!

Dial-In: (512) 879-2178
PIN: 990107#


“The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These may for the most part be summed in these two: common-sense and perseverance.”
-Owen Feltham

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What is a Business Builder Pak?
This ProPak, available to IonWays Associates only, includes 3 Athena units instead of just one. Each unit is separately packaged in the same high quality retail packaging in which the single units are boxed. The Business Builder Pak also includes 1 pack (25 each) of Vitalize brochures; 1 pack (25 each) of Ionize brochures; 1 pack (25 each) of Maximize brochures; 10 Dr. Ben Johnson “The Secret is Out” DVDs; and 10 Discover Living, Energized Water DVDs.

What is a Mentoring Bonus?
Look for the answer in the next issue of the Flow!

*Answers to all IonWays Weekly Trivia questions can be found in your back office.

Information presented here is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and as such shall not be construed as medical advice implied or otherwise. No claims are made with respect to treatment of any physically diseased condition and no attempt is ever made to dissuade individuals from seeking medical treatment for any condition. In addition, this equipment, technology and products have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor are they intended to treat, cure, mitigate, diagnose or prevent any illness or disease.


IonWays Flow: Vol. 1, Issue 17

August 2010
Vol 1. Issue 17

Leader's Spotlight
Karen KeanKaren Kean is no stranger to health and wellness. As a health educator for fifteen years, Karen regularly hears about the “newest, latest, and greatest products.” When her good friend, Kristine Catalina, first introduced her to IonWays water, Karen was skeptical, but agreed to attend a water class. It was at this water class that Karen realized not all water is created equal. After trying alkaline, ionized water for the first time, Karen didn’t care too much for the taste, but decided to give it a few days. After those few days, Karen couldn’t stop drinking it and decided to sign on with IonWays. She had no intention of doing the business and purchased her machine only to earn a first sale commission. However, as she continued to drink the water and generously shared it with others, more and more people wanted their own ionizer and even signed up themselves! Karen has her own testimony from drinking alkaline, ionized water, and she will tell you, “It’s wrong of me not to share this life-changing water with others.” Just three months after signing up, Karen became an Executive with IonWays.

So what’s the secret? “Follow-up.” Karen says, “I’ve known so many people who’ve had great contacts, but didn’t follow up with them. Those people’s businesses are failing.”

Karen drinks alkaline, ionized water because she believes that it helps to alkalize, detoxify, and hydrate her body. She’s a part of IonWays because, “It’s an innovative, cutting-edge company that’s very loyal to its distributors.” She adds, “Any company is only as good as it’s leadership and Jay Hare (IonWays President) shows dedication,” which Karen believes is key.

Wellness Corner
Dr StadnikDr. Stadnik, D.C. practices in Kent, WA and focuses primarily on spinal correction and rehabilitation. When Dr. Stadnik was exposed to the technology behind alkaline, ionized water, he became interested and began to research and look for a machine that he could have in his office and that he could share with his patients. He was looking for a machine that employed the best technology for the best price. As a chiropractor, Dr. Stadnik is very sensitive about what he recommends to his patients. It was important to him that he find a machine that would provide the highest quality water to his patients and yet be affordable. His quest led him to IonWays, where he liked what he saw, the Athena. He also liked the under-sink model – the Delphi.

After receiving his machine and setting it up in his office, Dr. Stadnik started to send the water home with a few patients. Over time, he began to see positive feedback and results. Dr. Stadnik now implements IonWays water as part of his treatment plan and has seen tremendous success! He believes that drinking alkaline, ionized water can help to neutralize the acidity produced in the body through the foods we eat, the beverages we drink, and day-to-day stress, etc. Besides drinking alkaline, ionized water, Dr. Stadnik recommends staying physically fit, living a healthy lifestyle, and staying emotionally healthy.

Here’s what Dr. Stadnik has to say about IonWays, “I’m glad I found IonWays when I did; it has helped my family, and it’s an important part of what I practice-it fits right in with what I do health-wise.”

Tech Talk
Water quality and how it’s treated changes with each season. It’s because of these changes that annual public water reports are done at regular intervals. These reports state the averages (bacteria, total dissolved solids, etc.) found in public water supply throughout the course of the year.

The performance of an ionizer depends largely on the quality of its source water, which is different in every area of our world. Weather and outside temperatures play a big part in how municipal water companies chemically treat the water supplied to your home. For example, warm weather will facilitate bacteria growth making it necessary for the water company to destroy harmful bacteria by adding extra chlorine and chloramines to the water. This means more toxins are present in your supply water during the hot days of summer-a time when drinking more water to stay properly hydrated is an absolute must!

In the spring, the run-off water from melting snow and ice travels through streams, aquifers, rocks, and earth, absorbing a heavy supply of minerals, making it harder than usual. Once this fresh run-off water finds a place to collect and rest (such as a reservoir), the heavy minerals, over time, can settle and sink to the bottom. This can make winter’s water supply a little bit softer. In the Pacific Northwest, there are areas where the water contains an average 60 parts per million of total dissolved solids. In the early summer, this amount can as high as 95ppm. That’s an increase of over a 50%!

Lakes and reservoirs grow algae during the warmer seasons. This algae, although treated and destroyed with chlorine, may still affect the taste of water. After all, when we pick an apple it’s no longer living, but still tastes like an apple! Also during warm weather, well water that’s rich in iron breeds a certain type of bacteria that feeds on organic matter and excretes dissolved hydrogen sulfide gases. These gases are toxic and are condensed in alkaline water. The only good thing about it is that if it’s there you’ll know it-it smells like sulfur and rotten eggs.

Cold water can mask certain tastes and odors, which, when warmed, will be released-have you ever taken a shower that smelled like chlorine? That’s because chlorine, when heated, turns to a gas making it easily noticed. Remember, even though you may not smell it, ice water can still contain chlorine.

The great thing about water is that any and all concerns are treatable regardless of the time of year-we just need to know what we are treating.

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Don’t forget to make your plans to join us on 8/8 at 7 PM PDT/ 10 PM EDT for our second Power Call with IonWays President Jay Hare, Johnny Bolton and Mike Hanley!

Dial-In: (512)879-2178
PIN: 990107#


“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
-Winston Churchill


Healing Bridges

If you haven’t donated yet,
please click here to do so.


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What is a PayPoint?
A Pay Point is earned through the accumulation of 4,200 BV in your team, the 1/3 rule applies. The actual Pay Point value will vary from week to week and is determined by dividing 70% of all company-wide BV accrued by the number of Pay Points earned company wide in a given week. Active Dealers and above can earn PayPoints.

What is a Welcome Tag?

Look for the answer in the next issue of the Flow!

*Answers to all IonWays Weekly Trivia questions can be found in your back office.

Information presented here is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and as such shall not be construed as medical advice implied or otherwise. No claims are made with respect to treatment of any physically diseased condition and no attempt is ever made to dissuade individuals from seeking medical treatment for any condition. In addition, this equipment, technology and products have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor are they intended to treat, cure, mitigate, diagnose or prevent any illness or disease.


IonWays Flow: Vol. 1, Issue 16

July 2010
Vol 1. Issue 16

Leader's Spotlight
Kai and RandyWhen IonWays Executives and business partners, Randy Hood and Kai Jacobsen, were introduced to alkaline, ionized water by an IonWays competitor, they were turned off at the high price of its machines. They began to do their own research and soon discovered IonWays and its state-of-the-art ionizer, the Athena, for half the price of its competition. Both Randy and Kai were so impressed with IonWays products, technology, and management that they decided to join!

Randy’s recommendation to Associates who really want to get their businesses off the ground is, “If you want to work IonWays part time, commit to speaking with 2 or 3 new people a day about the water. If you’re looking to work IonWays full time, you’ve got to commit to speaking to at least 10 new people a day.” He adds, “Everybody drinks water, so you’re not trying to get people do something they’re not already doing.” Kai includes, “Drink more water! Share it with the people that you care about. The power of marketing is only as big as your belief in the product. Be passionate about the water, and become a product of the product.”

What’s so exciting about IonWays? Kai says, “IonWays is a company with strong leadership that has a vision and heart; it offers a high quality products at an affordable price.” Randy adds, “I look forward to IonWays being the number one ionizer company in the world!”

Take a look at one of Kai and Randy’s fabulous Training Videos here about Warm Market Prospecting.

Wellness Corner
Dr. McClure, D.C., and his wife Jacque own a Day Spa in Mariposa, CA. Their main focus is on two things: chiropractic care and nutritional consultation.

A few years ago, Dr. McClure’s good friend introduced him to IonWays. It was obvious to him that Garland-his good friend-was extremely excited about the water! In fact, he was so excited that he drove from Oceanside to Mariposa (almost a 7-hour drive!) to place a machine in Dr. McClure’s kitchen. “To this day, it continues to provide my family and patients with the best water on the planet.”

When asked why it’s important to drink alkaline, ionized water, here’s what Dr. McClure had to say, “It’s my opinion that drinking ionized, alkaline water is the most logical way to help alkalize the system. Because the majority of our lifestyles are great at producing acidity (i.e. stress, food and drink choices, toxins, etc.) the water is the perfect solution. It’s an ideal way to provide alkalinity, antioxidants, and superb-hydration!”

Dr. McClure shares IonWays water with his patients on a regular basis. “I really want to; because drinking ionized alkalized water is a cornerstone of any protocol for healthy living. Since about two-thirds of our body is water, it makes perfect sense to supply it with the very best available.”

Dr. McClure adds, “Other factors that I consider essential for optimal health include regular exercise, healthy eating choices, and stress management. I am very thankful for this wonderful water. It’s a privilege and a responsibility to share this knowledge with others.”

Tech Talk
Announcing the Venus – the newest addition to the IonWays family of water ionizers! This new machine has a contemporary, stylish look that would compliment any modern American kitchen. Easy to use, the Venus is slightly smaller than other IonWays ionizers and is a smart choice for anyone who wants to save counter space. And, for the price, the Venus is one of the best values found in the water ionizer industry.
The Venus, despite its smaller price, uses the same efficient and modern water cell technology used in all IonWays ionizers. Its plates, unlike the mesh plates of the Delphi and Athena, are solid, similar to those found in the Isis.

The cleaning cycle of the Venus is different from the other models in our product line. This new model utilizes an older cleaning system that forces the ionizer to produce an acidic stream through the alkaline hose after every 20 liters of water passed. It will not, however, switch to an acidic stream in the middle of making alkaline water. Instead, the cleaning cycle indicator light will turn on after 20 liters of source water has passed through its system. This means that the next time you turn on the ionizer, you’ll have to wait for 10-15 seconds while your machine goes through its pre-use cleaning cycle. Yes, this is an older cleaning system, but it’s quite effective and works very well. With the Venus, it’s important that the cleaning system warning light always be in plain sight of the user. For this reason, we recommend that the Venus be employed only in counter top applications.

Much like the Athena and Isis models, the Venus has a flow control knob located on the front to better control the speed at which the water passes through its cell. Water flow rate is one of the biggest factors in determining how thoroughly water is ionized. By simply turning the flow rate down, we can make water spend more time in the cell where it will receive a deeper alteration. The Athena and Isis both have a fine tune adjustment located underneath the unit, which enables you to set the same flow rate for every use. The Venus, however, doesn’t have the fine tune adjustment and the water flow rate must be reset with every use. Although our newest model uses a simple-style flow control valve, it’s still an effective method for adjusting the water flow rate.

All things considered, the Venus is an exciting addition to our product line and performs very well. It makes great alkaline, ionized water and sports a very affordable price tag; which, by-the-way, includes the best warranty in the water ionizer industry!

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“Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.”
-Napoleon Hill


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What is a Manager?
A Manager is an Active Dealer who has personally sponsored 5 Dealers, with a minimum of 2 per team side. A Manager can earn Leadership and Mentoring bonuses.

What is a PayPoint?

Look for the answer in
the next issue of the Flow!

*Answers to all IonWays Weekly Trivia questions can be found in the Resource Center of your back office.

conference_callsConference Calls
Information presented here is for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and as such shall not be construed as medical advice implied or otherwise. No claims are made with respect to treatment of any physically diseased condition and no attempt is ever made to dissuade individuals from seeking medical treatment for any condition. In addition, this equipment, technology and products have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor are they intended to treat, cure, mitigate, diagnose or prevent any illness or disease.

IonWays Flow: Vol. 1, Issue 10

June 2010
Vol 1. Issue 10

IonWays is pleased to announce that Healing Bridges has finished the construction of the first Girls’ High School in the Shargarad Refugee Camp in Eastern Sudan! This camp is 1 out of 23 camps and has 40,000+ refugees. This is the first High School in the area to be constructed in 40 years!

So far, our appeals to raise $18,000 to provide a water system for the school have been successful. With IonWays matching every contribution from you and the contributions from Global Heart, we’ve raised a total of $11,580.00. Help us to raise the remaining $6,420.00 by going here to make your donation. Every contribution helps and there is no gift that is too small. A man by the name of Thomas D. Willhite said it so well, “How do you say thank you for sunshine or health, for clear days or gentle rains, for happiness, joy, or love? You say it by sharing what you have. You say it by making the world a better place in which to live.”

Help us to make the world a better place for the children of the refugee camps to live. Go now to and help us to make a difference that will last from generation to generation.

With Gratitude,
Jay Hare
IonWays, LLC

Leader’s Spotlight – Jacqueline King
J_KingIonWays Executive, Jacqueline King, feels very strongly about sharing IonWays alkaline, ionized water with other people. She believes they have a right to know and understand the differences between all the drinking-water choices available today – bottled, tap, RO, filtered or alkaline, ionized water from an IonWays machine. Jacqueline built the foundation of her business by sharing Ionways water with others. She believes that the more you share the water, the more people will understand the positive impact it can have on their families, their businesses, and themselves. “This machine is not a luxury, it’s an investment,” is what Jacqueline tells anyone who is looking to purchase an ionizer. Jacqueline has been involved in the real-estate industry for over thirty years and recently dedicated herself to projects that are green and eco-friendly. She sees the Athena as a perfect addition to her mission because not only does the water help to detoxify the body, but also the home through the many uses of acidic water.

When Jacqueline was first introduced to IonWays she didn’t believe our company motto, “Our water changes everything!” Now, she shares it with everyone with whom she speaks because IonWays alkaline, ionized water really does change everything!

When initially looking at IonWays, Jacqueline reviewed her options as an analyst, and liked what she saw. Not only did she like the IonWays Global PayPlan and the pay-outs, but, when seeing the partnership with EmcoTech, Jacqueline knew that IonWays made the right choices to be a lasting leader in the ionizer industry. She believes that IonWays positioned itself, from the beginning, with a foundation and support system that took other companies years to achieve.

Jacqueline’s advice to all Associates is to make every effort to be at the IonWays 3rd Annual Convention this August-not only is it a great way to learn and understand all about IonWays, but it’s also a fun and relaxing time!

Hear Jacqueline on the Thursday night Business Opportunity call and the Saturday Training call this week!

Wellness Corner – Pamela Barinoff
Pamela_BPamela Barinoff has managed her own private health and nutritional practice in the White Rock area of BC, Canada for the past eighteen years. Pamela got involved with IonWays in 2008 and, “Despite running my own nutritional consulting practice, I never thought about the differences in water.” It wasn’t until one of Pamela’s patients asked her about ionized water that she became interested and began six months of research into alkaline, ionized water and the machines that produce it. Pamela’s findings amazed her and it was obvious that the IonWays Athena had the best ionizing technology on the market!

When Pamela first started drinking IonWays water, she couldn’t get enough of it. It became clear to her that she was very dehydrated and the water was helping restore her body back to its proper, hydrated state. She started giving the water to her clients and they began to experience amazing results. After obtaining her own experience from drinking the water and seeing what it had done for others, she knew that this water was foundational to restoring good health. As a nutritional counselor, Pamela understands the importance of eating a good diet and taking supplements, but she never realized that its benefits were being negated by drinking the wrong water!

Now, when new clients come into Pamela’s nutritional consulting practice, she sends them home with water and starts them on a 3-week, alkaline, ionized water trial. “In many cases,” Pamela said, “it clears up their health issues.”

By: Joe Stumph
Myth: It’s perfectly okay to reset your sediment filter life indicator and use it a second and third time; nothing bad can come of it.

Buster: Each IonWays filter is designed to do a different job, uses a different type of media, and will last a different amount of time. The sediment filter has an important job to do and, regardless of source water quality, is necessary in the Athena model ionizer. Here’s why:

While the BioStone filter uses media to absorb unwanted elements, the Sediment filter literally strains out suspended Mandebris from the source water while still allowing alkaline minerals to pass through freely. It’s the removal of these contaminants that protects the internal solenoid valves inside the Athena. If sediment is allowed to build up inside the solenoid valves, your ionizer will lose its ability to split the source water stream as it’s intended to do. This means that acidic water will be present in the alkaline drinking water stream. The sediment filter doesn’t last as long as the BioStone filter and, over time, loses its capability to filter selected contaminants. Eventually, it will allow all suspended solids to pass through its media. For this reason, the sediment filter must be replaced when indicated by the filter replacement indicator and cannot be used for an extended period of time. Keep in mind that failure to change your filter(s) as necessary can void your ionizer warranty.

A more expensive option is to change out the sediment filter with a BioStone filter, making it possible to reset the filter indicator for extended use. This is because the Biostone filter will last twice as long as the sediment filter. The combination of running two BioStone filters at the same time is like magic – protecting your investment and cleaning your source water as thoroughly as possible!

Which ever filter combination you choose, remember to change them as needed to keep your ionizer running at its pristine best!

Calling all Associates! Have you been asked a hard-to-answer, head scratching question about IonWays ionizers and the water they produce? The staff here at IonWays is constantly looking for ways to keep our Associates informed with the necessary knowledge to answer questions about water ionization. If have a question you’d like to see addressed in the Flow, or there’s something about the ionization process that just doesn’t make sense to you, please contact us at We may be able to feature your question in our next MythBuster or Tech Talk article!


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There is a new training file in the Resource Center of your back office. Johnny Bolton hosts, “Collecting a Decision and Closing a Sale.”

Go here to listen.

Attention CA Associates!

Don’t miss your chance for big savings on popular logo items from IonWays: IonWays baseball hats, IonWays shot glasses, IonWays silicone bracelets and IonWays shirts. These logo items are being offered for an incredible price!

Limited quantities, so make your purchase from your IonWays Webstore TODAY!

Tech Talk – pH Testing
By: Joe Stumph
In our last issue of Tech Talk, we discussed pH measurement. This week’s article is a follow-up with information about how to test pH and store reagent drops.

First of all, there are several different methods of testing a solution’s pH – a digital meter, litmus paper, or reagent drops can be used to find the pH value of acidic or alkaline water. Each one of these methods works in a different way and each one is attached with different capabilities and precautions.

Meters, by far, are the most accurate method of reading pH, but need constant calibration – a huge drawback. Some meters are easy to calibrate, while others can be very difficult. And, because our ionizers produce such a broad spectrum of pH, multi-point calibration is necessary. This involves expensive solutions which, in turn, require proper storage to avoid going bad. pH meters involve a lot of work along with a lot knowledge about how to store and condition them and how to tell when they need calibration. Although very accurate when used properly, pH meters are not user-friendly and not our best choice for measuring pH.

Litmus paper strips are another method of pH testing. They’re easy to use, but have a very narrow spectrum and expire quickly once opened. This method of measuring pH is simply not broad enough to measure the varying levels of pH in IonWays alkaline or acidic water. IonWays does not recommend that you use these.
Reagent drops are the tried and true method for measuring pH and are preferred by IonWays and its associates. They’re simple to use with great, visual results that are easily understood. IonWays has tried every method of pH testing available and has concluded that reagent drops are the way to go.

Reagent drops work simply by changing color due to reaction with alkalinity or acidity. The main ingredient in reagent drops is ethylene glycol, a highly reactive solution that catalyzes with any shift in pH and causes the dyes in reagent drops to shift color accordingly. By simply comparing these colors to a pH chart, we can easily obtain a close approximation of a clear liquid’s pH value.

Please bear in mind that reagent is not foolproof. Because it’s so reactive, it needs to be isolated from cold and heat, bright light (especially sunlight), and exposure to air. If exposed to temperatures above 85°F or below 36°F, your reagent drops will no longer render an accurate pH reading and are pretty much useless. Leaving your reagent drops on the kitchen window sill or in any other brightly lit area is not a good idea and will make your drops unstable and unreliable.

In short, test your water often but keep your reagent drops at room temperature with the lights out and the cap on!

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IonWays Flow: Vol. 1, Issue 8

May 2010
Vol 1. Issue 8

Tech Talk
By: Joe Stumph
In this week’s Tech Talk, we’re going to discuss some of the differences between the Isis and Athena model ionizers. Hopefully, the following information will help you to help your customers make the right choice.

The biggest difference obviously, is cost. Spending an additional $700 for an Athena provides a better cleaning system, better filtration, improved performance, and the greatest ionizer in the world! In no way does this mean that the Isis isn’t a good ionizer-quite the opposite is true! The Isis performs very well; it’s just a little older and it doesn’t have some of the newest technology.

In fact, the Model JP-104 ionizer is the number one model ionizer sold worldwide! It’s a great performing ionizer and has a proven track record of dependability. The technology behind its cleaning system is older. It uses a manual motor to reverse the polarity of the plates after each use. This initiates the acidic cleaning. The Isis uses a single BioStone filter, and has solid plates. It can’t out perform an Athena, but to be fair, nothing on the market can. However, in an independent lab test, the performance of the Isis was still extremely good and came very close to that of the Athena.

AthenaThe Athena has the D.A.R.C. (double automatic reverse cleaning) cleaning system. This means that it reverses polarity after every 20 seconds of use for a more consistent cleaning cycle. It uses dual filters to get deeper filtration. It has mesh plates for a greater production of alkaline ionized water, and has outperformed every one of competitors units in independent laboratory testing-bar none!

So we see the biggest differences between the two models are technical updates. Even so, the Isis and the Athena are both great performing ionizers. Both can be under sink models with the IonWays faucet kit, both have the best warranty out there and, of course, they both come with an IonWays guarantee of the best customer service in the world!

Leader’s Spotlight – Tony Kapnisis
16031_160235504117_160221924117_2776497_8303268_n.jpgTony and Pam Kapnisis own a health food store in Florida that specializes in nutritional supplements. Suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, Pam tried everything she thought might help, including adherence to a strict, alkaline diet. Still, Pam felt something was lacking in her diet and began a search for living water and found the Ionways Athena. They asked a friend who is in the nutritional business about the Athena and she immediately told them that it was a wonderful machine! So wonderful, in fact, that she had one herself!

It wasn’t until Tony and Pam started drinking alkaline, ionized water along with vitamins and supplements that Pam saw a dramatic difference in the way she felt. Tony had more energy and felt 20 years younger! When Tony started selling the water in his store, and people began to experience its remarkable health benefits, the water caught on like wildfire! His customers were getting results from the water, some of which are nothing short of amazing! One woman, plagued with arthritis pain for 15 years, finally found relief after drinking alkaline water. Several others have found relief from the symptoms of diabetes, digestive problems, etc. Perhaps the most inspiring story comes from a woman who suffered from pulmonary lung disease and who was on four different meds and four inhalers. After drinking the water for three days, her medication was cut down to one med and one inhaler. Shortly after that, she did not need her prescriptions anymore! She was able to take a long walk on the beach with her husband for the first time in four years.

Tony sells and promotes IonWays alkaline water because it works. He loves to talk to his customers about the water and often sparks conversation by asking, “Have you ever heard of alkaline water?” After learning how the water enhances vibrant health, 90% of the people that he’s spoken with have purchased a machine right away. Tony has sold a total of over sixty-five Athena and Delphi units in his store. What’s his secret? Believe in what you’re doing! Educate yourself through personal experience and help educate others. Have a passion for what you are doing and never go half way. Tony recommends having a couple of machines on hand for customers who wish to purchase immediately-in his experience, when the customer is ready to purchase, they want to take the unit home with them.

Tony and Pam are a part of IonWays because they have confidence in the product and the PayPlan. They love the fact that IonWays offers ProPaks and have nothing but good to say about the Customer Service and Technical Support that he receives when needed. Tony and Pam are thankful to IonWays Executive Patricia Peak for helping them learn more about the IonWays and all it has to offer!

Wellness Corner – All Organic Greens™
organicLarge.jpgManufactured exclusively for IonWays, All Organic Greens™ consists of a diverse menu of 14 certified Vegan and organic super-food ingredients plus an exclusive blend of 48 friendly, probiotic bacteria.
These full spectrum healthy bacteria, along with plant-based, trace minerals have been substantially reduced in our commercially-grown fruits and vegetables and are absolutely essential in maintaining a strong immune system for maximum health.

Each ingredient is independently certified organic by both USDA and EU standards in the country of their origin, and are reviewed a second time prior to delivery. This ensures that all of our ingredients are truly organic and kosher. Super-food ingredients in All Organic Greens™ are important for you and your family and should be included in your diet every day.

Each and every organically grown ingredient possesses trace minerals from natural plant sources, friendly, probiotic bacteria and enzymes, as well as natural plant vitamins, essential amino acids, phytonutrients, coenzymes, cell salts, chlorophyll, essential fatty acids (often missing from other formulas), and soluble and insoluble fibers. Taken with alkaline ionized water, All Organic Greens™ will “light up your cells” with the highest level of energy and help build your immune system.

Every ingredient in our formula is low-temperature processed, ensuring that the finest nutritional value is retained.

All Organic Greens™ include: Organic Stevia, which acts as general tonic to increase energy levels and mental acuity. Stevia has been shown to inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay. Certified Organic Broccoli Sprouts – According to a study at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, broccoli sprouts are a rich source of enzymes that help protect again chemical carcinogens. Certified Organic Blueberry Powder – a potent bioflavanoid known as anthocyanins and vitamin C team up to make blueberries one of the most protective fruits known to man. Certified Organic Spirulina is one of the most researched foods on the planet due to its incredible nutrient profile. It contains one of the richest vegetable sources of protein and beta-carotene. It is easily digested and contains over 20 amino acids. It is the most nutrient-rich phyto-plankton of any blue-green microalgae.

Go to your IonWays Shopping cart to view the full list of ingredients and to order your All Organic Greens™ today!


“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.”
Booker T. Washington


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Healing Bridges

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By: Steve Nagy and Jay Hare
Myth: Titanium is exposed from the stamped mesh process as well as the process of
cutting the larger sheet into smaller sheets exposing all four sides. This is a detriment to the consumer because the exposed titanium, when heated, releases particles of titanium.

Buster by Jay Hare: Our competitor’s claims regarding Titanium leaching as a result of manufacturing are bogus for the following reasons:

a. Emco units have more safety certifications than our competitor, including specifically RoHS – which is hazardous materials certification ( ) “The RoHS Directive stands for “the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.”

b. Titanium is used medically in many applications inside the human body… and is actually a trace mineral.

c. If you’ll take the time to research titanium, you’ll find that it’s extremely hard – 6.0 on the MOHS scale. Titanium does not dissociate in low voltage electrolysis! Remember, Emco units use 1/3 the watts and amps used by our competitor. It takes enormous heat to burn titanium: “Titanium burns in air when heated to 1200 °C (2,200 °F).” Also, it’s very un-reactive with water, “While titanium is thermodynamically a very reactive metal, it is slow to react with water and air.” (Quoted text from Wikipedia.)

d. Emco’s plating process employs spraying, or – more correctly – advanced electroplating techniques. The plates are sprayed robotically under pressure, which creates a very uniform surface (no high or low spots which are common in the dipped process), and distinct peaks or valleys (vertices) that create a sandpaper-like surface (about100 grit feel). Emco Tech Research and Development has advanced the plating process in this direction for good reasons: 1) Superior platinum adhesion, 2) Superior conductivity, 3) Increased surface area from up to 3x the number of vertices, 4) Optimized water flow over the plate surface due to vertices, which increases ORP production, and 5) Much more uniform surface coating in comparison to dipping.

Emco Tech is a large company with twenty-five years of health promoting history! To think that it would produce an ionizer that jeopardizes the vibrant health it so happily promotes is, quite simply, a myth!



Alkaline Water & Weight Loss

A surprising thing happened when some of us started drinking alkaline water.  We found our craving for sweets diminished and we felt less hungry.  We purchased our water machine in mid-November, went through the holidays, and suddenly became aware that weight loss was happening.  They tell us that acidic conditions in the body foster fat storage and becoming more alkaline can shift the metabolism away from that.  Now we’re believing it…and we’re also liking a lot of other things about drinking the water.  Relief from dry eyes,  more energy,  less brain fog, more bubbles of happiness…